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We are committed to providing social, health and educational programs or services for vulnerable  individuals and groups in the Mainland Community.




We offer a variety of activities and opportunities for the youth. Youth development is by no means an easy feat, but through cooperation and community empowerment, we are transforming lives and building capacity in this area. We invite you to learn more and lend your support.

Image by Dylan Gillis

"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give” Winston Churchill

With this initiative, our goal is to promote great opportunities for  Persons Living with Disability to live independent lives. With access to the right resources, PWDs can become empowered by their own abilities and gain the confidence to navigate their unique circumstances. Learn more about our current work by getting in touch with our team today.

Senior Couple in Airport


At Mainland Community Services, we are dedicated to stepping up our efforts by offering a variety of newcomer and immigrant settlement programs & services. Newcomer settlement and integration is by no means an easy feat, but through cooperation and community empowerment, we believe we can facilitate progress in this area. We are always striving to make a difference and invite you to learn more and lend your support.


We organize women empowerment huddles, seminars, one-on-one sessions and provide other specialized services for immigrant and racialized women. Our goal is to create opportunities for immigrant women as they integrate into a new society, rebuild their lives free of violence, and achieve their personal goals. 

Friends Portrait

"We must use time creatively, in the knowledge that the time is always ripe to do right” - Martin Luther King

Reviewing CV



With this initiative, our goal is to promote great opportunities for seniors, including immigrant seniors with language barriers, to live healthier, independent lives. With access to the right resources, seniors can become empowered by their own abilities and gain the confidence to navigate their unique circumstances. Learn more about our work by getting in touch with our team today.


With this initiative, our goal is to empower the newcomer community and service providers with tailored training, seminars, and symposiums geared toward building their social, economic, and cultural resilience. We believe that with access to the right resources and information, newcomers can become empowered by their own abilities and gain the confidence to fulfill their potential.

Image by Dylan Gillis
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